We're a strategic recruitment agency specializing in
Software Engineering & Product Management
for VC-backed Seed to Series B startups.

Founding Engineer

Senior/Staff Backend Engineer

Full Stack Engineer

Engineering Leadership

Product Leadership

95+ placements at high-growth startups


Why Brisk Talent


Cutting edge industry tools to deliver unparalleled vetting.

Deliver 3-to-5 qualified and vetted candidates every week.


No ghosting, full transparency to ensure your brand reputation.

We nurture our established network from first contact to onboarding.


Track current market insights to make informed decisions.

Conduct 360° candidate screening to ensure motivation, fit, and retention.

No upfront cost or fees.........✓..........✓
Focused recruiting resources & commitment.......✓.........✓
Customized assessment-based search...........✓
Long-term commitment perspective...........✓
Proactive outreach to passive/active candidates.......✓.........✓
Limited # of clients to ensure full attention & proper diligence.......✓.........✓
Established brand reputation.........✓......✓.

Our Expertise

Founding Engineer

Senior/Staff Backend Engineer

Full Stack Engineer

Engineering Leadership

Product Leadership



We've made 95+ placements and specialize in the following:

Founding Engineer

‣ Typescript/Javascript
‣ Next.js/React.js/Node.js
‣ Express/Vercel
‣ TailwindCSS

Senior/Staff Backend Engineer

‣ Python/Golang
‣ Kubernetes/Docker
‣ Redshift/BigQuery/Snowflake
‣ Tensorflow/PyTorch/Keras
‣ Hadoop/Kafka/Spark
‣ Postgres/SQL
‣ GraphQL/REST
‣ Prometheus/Grafana/ELK stack
‣ Pandas/NumPy

Full Stack Engineer

‣ TypeScript/JavaScript, Next.js, React
‣ Django + Python + Postgres
‣ Ruby on Rails + Postgres
‣ Elixir/Phoenix + GraphQL

Engineering Leadership

‣ Head of Engineering
‣ Director of Engineering
‣ Vice President of Engineering
‣ Senior Vice President of Engineering

Product Leadership

‣ Head of Product Management
‣ Director of Product Management
‣ Vice President of Product Management
‣ Senior Vice President of Product Management


The Pulse

Fresh Insights On The Tech Talent Market



By Brisk Talent • May 3rd, 2023 • 3 min read

You might think you've got it all figured out when it comes to recruiting software engineers, but the truth is, even the most experienced hiring managers can make critical mistakes. When it comes to recruiting in such a technical space, it's easy to let the clout of Fortune 100 companies, years of experience, and exact tech stack cloud our judgement to truly evaluate a candidate's skills. Let's uncover the top common mistakes that could be holding you back from hiring the best engineering talent.

Overemphasis on Technical ProficiencyUndoubtedly, technical skills are vital for software engineers. However, fixating solely on a candidate's coding abilities might overshadow their equally important soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and creative problem-solving. When evaluating an engineering candidate, it's important to remember to factor in the candidate's soft skills, like ability to effectively communicate with PMs, within the whole evaluation.Misrepresenting Company Culture and ExpectationsA candidate's fit within your company culture is crucial for long-term success. Be transparent about the work environment frequency of code pairing & code reviews), project expectations (evergreen projects or net new), and values (team culture, remote working, hours of collaboration) to avoid mismatches that lead to high turnover rates.Neglecting Evaluation of Motivation and EnthusiasmDelve deeper than surface-level discussions about the company and role. Engineers driven by passion (for a specific coding language or company mission) and motivation (to grow into a manager, travel, work on a team with great colleagues) can overcome obstacles and excel in their work. Examining a candidate's interests, previous projects, and career aspirations can help determine if they genuinely love their work or are merely seeking a consistent and easy paycheck.Designing a Cumbersome Interview ProcessAn unnecessarily lengthy and complex interview process can dissuade top candidates from pursuing your opportunity or prompt them to abandon the process for a more appealing offer. Concentrate on the most critical assessments and maintain clear, timely communication with candidates regarding interview expectations. As the weeks go on, you risk losing your top candidate to another competitor company who is eager to seal the deal (ie. give an offer).Time for a Course CorrectionFear not, as it's never too late to change course. By acknowledging these errors and implementing corrective measures, you can fine-tune your hiring process, attract and retain the top software engineering talent your organization requires. The most successful teams are built on a diverse skill set, a solid cultural fit, and a genuine passion for the work.Have you encountered any of these challenges in your hiring process? Share this post and your insights with a fellow engineering leader. Let's learn from each other and refine our recruitment strategies together.



By Brisk Talent • August 30, 2023 • 5 min read

In recent years, there's no denying that AI has brought a tremendous amount of efficiency and innovation to the recruiting industry (Forbes, 2023). AI-powered tools have streamlined various aspects of the hiring process, with its incredible efficiency, data-crunching capabilities, and time-saving features. Despite the numerous benefits and impressive capabilities of AI in recruitment, there are still areas where AI falls short. In this blog post, we will explore what AI cannot do for recruiting and how organizations can strike a balance between AI-driven automation and human expertise.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Human ConnectionWhile AI can analyze candidates' facial expressions, voice tones, and even word choices, it lacks the ability to create an authentic bond or truly understand the subtle nuances of human emotions (NBC News, 2022). Emotional intelligence plays a vital role in building rapport during interviews and understanding candidate's inner motivations beyond their resumes. A warm smile through Zoom, a firm handshake, face-to-face interaction, or an empathetic video conversation can make all the difference in assessing a candidate's attitude and aptitude.Recruiters should leverage AI as a tool for tasks such as data analysis and process automation but never forget the importance of their emotional intelligence. We must continue to engage with candidates on a personal level, making them feel valued, and creating a memorable candidate experience that AI simply cannot replicate.Ethics and Bias in AI-driven RecruitmentWhile AI-driven recruitment tools have the potential to reduce human bias, they are not immune to ethical challenges. AI algorithms are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on (WSJ, 2023). They can inherit biases from these datasets, leading to biased decisions when it comes to making the hiring decision.To tackle this issue, recruiters must ensure their AI systems are transparent, accountable, and unbiased. This involves investing in impartial data and collaborating with AI/ML developers to detect + address biases. It's also important to maintain human oversight to align with ethical standards and uphold diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) commitments. By combining our human EQ with AI's capabilities, we can create a recruitment process that is both efficient and ethical.Navigating Legal and Compliance IssuesAI-driven recruitment tools are subject to legal and compliance issues, particularly concerning data privacy and anti-discrimination laws. For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union imposes strict rules on how personal data can be collected, processed, and stored. AI systems need to adhere to these regulations to avoid penalties and reputational damage.Recruiters and HR professionals must work with legal experts to ensure that their AI recruitment practices comply with all relevant laws and regulations. This includes obtaining candidates' consent before processing their data, ensuring security, and being transparent about how AI is used in the hiring process.Uncovering Hidden Gems and Out-of-the-Box ThinkingDue to our creativity and intuition, humans excel at identifying hidden gems and unconventional talents due. AI, specifically machine learning, operates by utilizing models that acquire knowledge from data patterns (McKinsey, 2023), which may lead to overlooking candidates who come from unconventional backgrounds or unique profiles.A recruiter's intuition and ability to identify potential in candidates of unconventional backgrounds is essential for hiring innovative talent. Ultimately, a talented and innovative team will bring new ideas that drives business growth. Organizations should continue to rely on human recruiters to evaluate creative and non-traditional candidates, as AI may overlook their value, ensuring that we retain our human edge in recognizing exceptional talent.ConclusionArtificial intelligence has undoubtedly transformed the recruitment industry, bringing game-changing efficiency and insights to the table. However, we must acknowledge its limitations and realize that it can't replace our unique human expertise in certain hiring aspects. By striking the perfect harmony between AI and human intuition, organizations can tap into the best of both worlds. This way, we can craft an effective and ethical recruitment process that attracts and retains top-notch talent.



By Brisk Talent • May 15th, 2023 • 4 min read

You've invested the time, refined your coding abilities, and finally ― you secured that sought-after interview for a software engineering role. However, are you truly ready for the challenges ahead? Let's explore the often-overlooked strategies for acing software engineering interviews that recruiters and interviewers rarely discuss. If you implement these following tips, you'll be sure to impress the interviews and increase your chances of getting called back for an interview or better yet - receive an offer!

Curiosity: Dive into the Company and the OfferingsImmerse yourself in the company's products, services, and culture. This understanding will not only set you apart but also exhibit genuine enthusiasm for the organization. Investigate their mission, values, Crunchbase page, and recent PR articles about developments to understand their distinctive advantages compared to other competitor companies.Lead In: Craft a Narrative, Not Just CodeWhile technical expertise is vital as a software engineer, interviewers also seek candidates who possess strong communication skills and excel in collaborating with cross functional Product & Design teams. Come prepared with anecdotes and stories that emphasize your problem-solving capabilities, collaboration, humility, and adaptability in various scenarios. Utilize the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique to convey your stories concisely and effectively. Although it's good to practice your story, don't focus too much on being perfect. Ultimately, you want to use your judgement to see which kinds of stories would resonate with the interviewer based off of the research you did on the company.Emotion: Demonstrate Your Excitement for the RoleAuthentic passion can be contagious. Hiring managers and interviewers are also real people with regular problems, so don't put them on a pedestal and stay authentic to yourself. Express your fondness for programming, the technologies that excite you, or any personal projects you've undertaken that are relevant to the project/team/role at hand. This will exhibit your commitment to the industry/niche and make you a more memorable contender.Analyze: Rehearse, Rehearse, RehearseThere is no replacement for practice. Tackle coding problems and respond to typical interview queries. Utilize resources like LeetCode or HackerRank to hone your abilities and boost your confidence. Train yourself to articulate your thought process while addressing challenges, as this can display your problem-solving skills even if you don't reach the ideal solution. One of my biggest tips is to create flash cards and practice speaking while watching yourself in the mirror. If you want to take it one step further, try turning the camera on using a fake Zoom meeting and practice on there!Reaction: Pose Insightful QuestionsThis is the most important tip, if you only take away one tip from this article ― let this one sink in: interviews are an interactive process and a two-way street. Prepare a set of meaningful questions about the company's culture, engineering team dynamics (team size and org structure), future company bets/innovations, funding status, or career advancement possibilities. This will not only reflect your genuine interest in the role but also assist you in evaluating if the position aligns with your aspirations. If you fail to ask any questions at all, this may make you come off as unprepared, inattentive, disinterested, or even aloof.ConclusionBy integrating these hidden strategies into your interview preparations, you'll be better equipped to captivate your prospective employer and land that dream software engineering position. So, stay curious, share your narrative, exhibit your passion, practice diligently, and pose thought-provoking questions. Best of luck to you!



By Brisk Talent • June 4, 2023 • 3 min read

The remarkable potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize and enhance the hiring process is captivating. Nevertheless, with its numerous advantages, AI also presents some ethical dilemmas, especially in terms of fairness and equality. So, let's delve into the ethical dimensions of AI in tech recruitment and examine how we can achieve a balance between efficiency and fairness.

Data Bias Pitfalls in AI RecruitmentAI systems depend on extensive data to make predictions and decisions. However, biased data used to train AI algorithms can unintentionally perpetuate existing prejudices in the recruitment process (NPR, 2023). For instance, if a company has historically favored male candidates for a certain position, an AI system trained on that company's data may continue to favor male applicants, even when female candidates are equally qualified.To tackle this issue, organizations must ensure their AI systems are transparent, accountable, and unbiased. This necessitates utilizing open source data science as it would make reliable and high quality data available to the greater community (World Economic Forum, 2022).Fostering Diversity and Inclusion through AIWhile biases in AI systems can further perpetuate inequalities in tech recruitment, AI can also serve as an instrument for promoting diversity and inclusion. For example, AI-driven recruitment tools can assist organizations in addressing unconscious bias by anonymizing resumes and concentrating on candidates' skills and qualifications, minimizing the impact of factors unrelated to job performance, such as gender, race, or age (Phenom, 2023).Nonetheless, it's crucial to remember that tackling these biases requires not only unbiased data but also a human touch and a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) (Bloomberg Law, 2023). Organizations should continue to depend on human recruiters to recognize and evaluate creative and unconventional talent, as AI systems might not be able to discern the value these candidates bring to the table.The Crucial Role of Human OversightAs AI becomes increasingly prevalent in tech recruitment, it's vital to find a balance between AI-driven efficiency and human intuition. Human oversight is indispensable in making the final hiring decisions to ensure that AI-generated recommendations adhere to ethical standards.For example, recruiters should critically assess the recommendations provided by AI systems, taking into account their own experience and understanding of the company culture and candidate potential (NIH, 2022). In this manner, human intuition can complement AI's powerful capabilities, guaranteeing a fair and equitable recruitment process.ConclusionAI is undeniably reshaping the tech recruitment landscape, providing unparalleled efficiency and insights. However, it's essential to acknowledge its limitations and comprehend that AI cannot supplant human expertise in certain aspects of the hiring process. By finding the perfect equilibrium between AI and human insight, organizations can utilize the strengths of both approaches to establish an efficient and morally sound tech recruitment process that draws in and retains exceptional talent.



By Brisk Talent • May 15th, 2023 • 5 min read

As the need for exceptional software engineers continues to soar, businesses are increasingly leaning on artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to streamline their hiring processes. Join me in exploring how AI and automation are revolutionizing the software engineering recruitment landscape, and discover how organizations can utilize these technologies for a seamless, impactful, and enjoyable recruitment process.

Streamlining Candidate Sourcing and Screening with AIAI-powered recruitment platforms can swiftly crawl extensive databases and social networks, pinpointing appropriate candidates based on skills, experience, and other criteria (Forbes, 2023). By automating this stage, organizations can conserve time and resources, enabling them to concentrate on what truly matters - connecting with potential hires.Additionally, AI can evaluate candidates' technical prowess through automated coding tests and analyze their performance, providing insights into their problem-solving capabilities (Filtered.ai). This method ensures that only the most qualified candidates progress in the hiring process, resulting in a smoother and more efficient experience.Elevating the Interview Process with AI and AutomationTraditional interviewing can be time-intensive and susceptible to human bias. However, AI-driven tools are transforming this aspect of software engineering recruitment. Video interviews, coupled with AI, can analyze candidates' facial expressions, word choices, and vocal tones, assisting recruiters in better understanding their cultural fit and communication skills (Harvard Business Review, 2023).Furthermore, AI-powered chatbots can conduct preliminary interviews, addressing candidates' inquiries and collecting information on their preferences and expectations (Dialpad, 2023). This automation not only saves time but also guarantees a consistent and captivating candidate experience.Harnessing AI to Minimize Bias and Boost DiversityAI-fueled recruitment tools can aid organizations in tackling unconscious bias and promoting diversity by anonymizing resumes and concentrating on candidates' skills and qualifications (Phenom, 2023). By diminishing the impact of factors unrelated to job performance, such as gender, race, or age, companies can cultivate a more inclusive work environment and make informed hiring decisions.It's vital to note that AI systems are only as unbiased as the data they're trained on. Organizations must consider utilizing open source data science to ensure their algorithms are transparent, accountable, and devoid of biases (World Economic Forum, 2022). For further insights into AI's limitations within recruiting, check out my other post here.Embracing AI's Continuous Learning and ImprovementOne of the most thrilling aspects of AI in recruitment is its capacity to learn, refine, and improve accuracy over time ― this is known as Machine Learning, a branch of AI. AI systems can examine data from previous hiring processes to spot patterns and trends, ultimately fine-tuning their algorithms for improved prediction of successful hires (Forbes, 2023). By adopting AI's continuous learning capabilities, organizations can bolster their recruitment strategies and stay ahead of the curve.ConclusionAI and automation are genuinely transforming the software engineering recruitment process, offering unparalleled efficiency, insights, and opportunities to enhance diversity. By harnessing these cutting-edge technologies, organizations can craft a more effective, ethical, and delightful recruitment experience for both candidates and recruiters. So, let's welcome this thrilling new era of software engineering recruitment and seize the benefits that AI and automation have to offer!



By Brisk Talent • May 11th, 2023 • 6 min read

Have you ever pondered the key differentiators for what creates high-performing software engineering teams vs average ones? In the dynamic software engineering landscape, achieving the perfect mix of individuals from diverse and unconventional backgrounds can be challenging. Let's explore the realm of diversity, equity, and inclusion – in this post, we will uncover how a diverse team can enhance your team's performance.

Why: The Hidden Strength of Diverse ViewpointsPicture a team of engineers collaborating, with each member contributing their distinct experiences, insights, and perspectives. This diversity fuels innovation and cultivates a problem-solving atmosphere that can elevate your team to new heights. Embracing diversity and inclusion is not only ethically sound; it's a wise business move.What: Fostering an Environment for Growth and CooperationFor diversity to flourish, it's crucial to establish an inclusive setting where everyone feels valued and respected. Some employers fall into the trap of merely meeting "diversity hire metrics," neglecting the follow-up with practical actions that create an open environment promoting trust, transparent communication, and ongoing support. This superficial demonstration of solidarity for marginalized and discriminated-against groups for the sake of appearance is known as performative allyship.To construct a genuinely diverse, equitable, and inclusive space, organizations must implement precautionary measures such as committing to continuous DEI training, allocating resources to a dedicated DEI committee, and integrating DEI and allyship into the employer brand. Ultimately, an authentically inclusive culture can lead to heightened engagement, increased retention rates, and enhanced team dynamics.How: Cultivating a Diverse and Inclusive Engineering TeamReassess your hiring process:
Identify ways to remove unconscious biases and guarantee you're reaching a broad range of diverse talent. This may involve implementing blind recruitment techniques or partnering with specialized recruitment agencies like Brisk Talent.
Embrace flexible work options: Offering remote work, adjustable hours, or job-sharing can attract a more diverse pool of candidates, including those with unique life circumstances or those facing obstacles in conventional work environments.Supply training and resources:Invest in diversity and inclusion training for your employees, including management. This will help nurture a supportive and inclusive workplace.Set diversity objectives and monitor progress: Define clear diversity targets and hold your organization responsible for achieving these goals. Regularly evaluate your progress and adapt your strategies accordingly.ConclusionBy assembling a diverse and inclusive software engineering team, you'll not only foster a more supportive and innovative work setting but also experience enhanced problem-solving, increased creativity, and better decision-making. Over time, these advantages will result in a more successful, productive, and satisfied team.Don't overlook the untapped potential within a diverse and inclusive engineering team. Start taking action today to harness the power of diversity and inclusion and watch your team flourish.

For Clients

We build a comprehensive recruitment strategy tailored to your needs.



Deeply customized candidate sourcing and vetting with proactive pipeline development.


We focus on quality and deliver 3-5 carefully vetted candidates weekly.


Highly collaborative and transparent hiring process with hiring managers and candidates


Data-driven insights based on the current talent market for your recruitment strategy.


Full-service through candidate motivations, coordinating, offer, negotiation, and closing.







Work With Us

Our Process


Craft a recruiting strategy rooted
in a deep understanding of your specific requirements and needs.


Source candidates from active + passive networks, then vet skills and experiences comprehensively.


Custom interview process aligned with hiring team, adapting strategy to feedback and performance.


Securing top talent within budget via skilled negotiation and seamless communication.


For Candidates

Unlock your potential with us! We delve into your experiences and aspirations to pair you with roles that ignite your ambition. Our diverse client base ensures your ideal match is just around the corner.



Exploratory call to understand your experiences, skill sets, main motivations, and timelines.


We check in with our clients to find opportunities that align with your long-term goals.


Full transparency and support throughout the interview process for a seamless experience.


We'll navigate you through the offer, benefits, and post-hire support for a smooth onboarding.

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About Us

Brisk Talent is a boutique recruitment agency that is dedicated to connecting Seed to Series D startups with highly-qualified Software Engineering and Product Management professionals of all levels.Leveraging our state-of-the-art technology, data-driven approach, and personalized assessment-based search, we offer a range of services including Committed Search, Sourcing, and Application Resume Filtering, that ensure a perfect match for your organization.Our deep understanding of your unique needs and 90-day guarantee make us the partner you can trust for all your recruitment needs.

Katelyn Ewe - Founder & Talent Partner

Katelyn is the Founder of Brisk Talent with 5 years of combined talent acquisition, HR, and Sales experience. Born and raised in San Francisco, she started her recruiting career in the heart of Silicon Valley and now lives in Los Angeles.She has extensive experience in executive and technical recruiting, VC-backed Seed to Series B start-ups in various industries.In her spare time, you’ll find her making fresh salad bowls, exploring a new national park, or performing aerial silks.


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